The Marlowe
Our theatre rules

Our theatre rules

The Marlowe Theatre is a welcoming and inclusive space for our whole community to enjoy and we ask everyone to be kind to each other when they visit.

Our wonderful team will always be courteous and helpful and we expect them to be treated with respect and kindness by all of our guests.

We will not tolerate any aggressive or abusive behaviour toward our staff, audiences or visiting artists.

We hope that you enjoy your visit.

Our rules

Our rules aim to ensure that our staff, audiences and visiting artists are safe and treated with respect and to ensure that everyone has a great experience when they visit us.

  • We expect all our visitors to treat our staff, audiences and visiting artists with courtesy and respect.
  • We will not tolerate aggressive, intimidating, or insulting behaviour on our premises, during phone calls to our team, in writing or in social media communications.
  • We will not tolerate any language or behaviour that is offensive or discriminatory including that which is racist, sexist, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic or xenophobic.
  • We will not tolerate any physical harassment towards our staff, audiences and visiting artists, including unwanted touching or physical contact.
  • We will not permit anybody who is displaying drunken behaviour to enter our auditoria.
  • We will not serve alcohol to any customer who appears to be under the influence of alcohol.
  • Any physical threats or bullying behaviour made towards another individual will lead to a permanent ban from our premises and may also be reported to the police.
  • If a member of staff feels that they are being subjected to abusive behaviour (in-person, over the phone, by email or on social media) they may withdraw themselves from that conversation and report it to a senior member of our team.
  • We will not excuse aggressive or abusive behaviour on the grounds that it has taken place under the influence of alcohol.
  • Audience members are not permitted to bring alcohol onto our premises and we reserve the right to undertake bag searches to enforce this.
  • Any visitor who feels they are being subjected to aggressive or threatening behaviour from anyone on our premises should immediately report this to a member of our team who will take you to a safe space and give you support and assistance.
  • If any visitor does not abide by the behaviour we expect as outlined in our theatre rules, we reserve the right to immediately eject them from our premises and/or ban them from making any future visits to our theatre.
  • Any member of staff who witnesses abusive or aggressive behaviour towards a member of staff, visiting company or member of the public, must report this to a manager.
  • All managers must take appropriate action to enforce this Zero Tolerance Statement, reporting each incident to a member of SMT together with a statement of the action taken.