The Marlowe
Name a seat

Name a seat

Be it a gift or a tribute in memory of a someone you love, naming a seat is a special way to remember a loved one and support the Marlowe Theatre.

Naming a seat couldn’t be easier.

For a donation of £500, your chosen name will be engraved onto a brushed stainless steel plaque and fixed to one of the seats in our Main House. You may also opt for a prefix before your chosen name:

  • Donated by…
  • A gift for…
  • In memory of…

Due to limited space, personal messages and dates cannot be included. The plaque can accommodate a maximum of 15 characters per line, up to three lines.

“My Aunt loved visiting The Marlowe. Naming a seat was the perfect way to celebrate her love of theatre.” Seat donor

Join the hundreds of people who have a named a seat by clicking below. For more information, please contact Mia Power or by phone on 01227 935274.

Name a seat

Join the many who have chosen to support The Marlowe by naming a seat in our auditorium.