The Marlowe
Shakespeare Songs

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English Touring Opera presents

Shakespeare Songs

What Dreams May Come. An intimate performance of Shakespeare-inspired songs tells the story of a life well-lived.

Celebrating the humanity of Shakespeare’s words, and spanning 300 years’ worth of music, this unique and moving studio production depicts the joys and sorrows of life through songs adapted from Shakespeare’s plays and poetry.

Mixing puppetry with music by Purcell, Gerald Finzi, Madeleine Dring, Berlioz and more, we witness the story of a man looking back on his life as he spends his last day in hospital. We see him fall in love, dream and connect with the people that matter most. Through this relatable, intimate story, and some beautifully reflective singing, we are led to ask what it means to be human and to have lived a meaningful life.

Joined by an on-stage chamber quartet of musicians (piano, flute, cello and violin), four exceptional singers (Soprano, Mezzo Soprano, Tenor, Bass) bring us a masterful performance that breaks free from the traditional stand-still recital. Acting almost like a soundtrack, their singing and storytelling help us to connect with Shakespeare’s sonnets and incidental music on a deep emotional level.

Valentina Ceschi, whose past work for ETO includes the charming and colourful Il viaggio a Reims from 2023, The Great Stink and ETO’s film for families, The Firebird, returns to direct.

Sung in the original language with English captions.

Recommended 12yrs+
Contains depictions of grief, death and palliative care. Use of flashing lights.


On sale soon

Priority booking now open

Booking is now open to Creative Circle, Benefactors, Superstars, Champions, Supporters, Friends Extra and Friends