The Marlowe
Weather update

Weather update

Important information about today's performances.

All performances are currently scheduled to take place as planned. Should this situation change, we will update this page and our social media channels.

We advise that you allow extra time for your journey and please do travel safely.

Important information about our ticket policy:

We have every sympathy with customers who have been unable to make a performance of The Band, but unfortunately, we are unable to offer refunds. We do offer ticket exchanges, five days before a performance, but when we are inside this period, tickets can only be exchanged, or refunded, when a performance is cancelled.

As all performances of The Band went ahead as planned, our contractual obligation with the producers of the show means that we would not be able to refund the cost of tickets to those customers who could not make it.

Also, it was not possible for us to exchange tickets for an alternative performance of the show as, due its immense popularity, there would not have been enough seats left to reallocate tickets to all those planning to attend on the days when we had wintry weather.

Our policy is in line within many other theatres across the country, who have experienced similar issues this week.